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Please bear with us as we address this and restore your personalized lists. The old coin, which had grown to a market cap of $40 million, dropped to $6 million in 30 minutes of frenzied selling, while the new coin blasted from nothingness to a peak of $100 million. The Internet – How to buy floki inu Software industry is part of the Computer and Technology sector. Currently, this industry holds a Zacks Industry Rank of 34, positioning it in the top 14% of all 250+ industries. Privacy Policy | No cost, no obligation to buy anything ever.Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

  1. The Motley Fool has positions in and recommends Bitcoin, Tesla, and Zoom Video Communications.
  2. Artificial Intelligence (AI) might one day be humanity’s downfall, but in the meantime, humans are doing a pretty good job marketing it for their profit.
  3. As a long-term investor, I don’t ignore past performance, but I’m generally more interested in where the company is heading.

Investors should also note any recent changes to analyst estimates for Zoom Video Communications. Such recent modifications usually signify the changing landscape of near-term business trends. As a result, we can interpret positive estimate revisions as a good sign for the company’s business outlook. In terms of the entire fiscal year, the Zacks Consensus Estimates predict earnings of $5.34 per share and a revenue of $4.64 billion, indicating changes of +2.5% and +2.43%, respectively, from the former year.

Valuation Measures

Over the last 30 days, the Zacks Consensus EPS estimate has witnessed an unchanged state. Right now, Zoom Video Communications orbex analysis possesses a Zacks Rank of #2 (Buy). Coming into today, shares of the video-conferencing company had gained 9.37% in the past month. In that same time, the Computer and Technology sector gained 0.18%, while the S&P 500 gained 0.62%. The communications platform hasn’t missed the earnings mark in several years.

A rough start to 2022 despite strong financial performance

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He said the old Eliza token’s early holders would receive 10% of the new token—a de facto bailout for being obliterated on their original investment. Artificial Intelligence (AI) might one day be humanity’s downfall, but in the meantime, humans are doing a pretty good job marketing it for their profit. The Zacks Industry Rank assesses the vigor of our specific industry groups by computing the average Zacks Rank of the individual stocks incorporated in the groups.

There is one caveat worth mentioning — Zoom’s growth in the coming years is expected to let up significantly from current levels. As the pandemic unwinds and Zoom becomes a more mature company, it’s inevitable that sales growth will come down from its all-time highs. Analysts are forecasting Zoom’s revenue to come in at $7.7 billion in fiscal year 2026, indicating an average annualized growth of 13% from 2022 estimates. Double-digit revenue growth for the next five years surely isn’t bad, but it doesn’t compare to the company’s 160% compound annual growth rate over the past three years.

About Zoom Video Communications, Inc.

The Motley Fool has positions in and recommends Bitcoin, Tesla, and Zoom Video Communications. atfx broker review Zoom Video Communications (ZM 5.76%) is a bit of a mystery as a growth stock. The company is headquartered in San Jose, Calif., and has additional offices in more than 15 locations in the United States, Europe, Asia, and Australia.

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Because of this, it is helpful to take a look at Zoom’s performance as compared to 2019. After all, year-over-year comparisons in 2021 are facing some awfully tough comparisons to 2020, when demand was at its peak. The chart below compares Zoom’s Q3 of 2022 (ending Oct. 31, 2021) to the corresponding quarter two years ago. As of Aug. 23, 2021, Zoom had 240,744,533 outstanding shares of Class A common stock and 56,383,369 outstanding shares of Class B common stock. Meetings on the platform can host as many as 1,000 participants, while webinars can scale up to as many as 50,000.

Są nowe prognozy Takiej inflacji i wzrostu gospodarczego spodziewa się NBP

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W roku 2024 mamy do czynienia ze znacznym, szeroko rozdystrybuowanym wzrostem płac, co z jednej strony jest paliwem dla wzrostu konsumpcji prywatnej i całego PKB, ale równocześnie ma przełożenie inflacyjne. Podwyżka płacy minimalnej (o 20%), zgodnie z szacunkami MPiPS dotyczy ok. ¼ zatrudnionych. Jeśli wziąć Pliki FX – chcę wierzyć w sygnały Forex pod uwagę podwyżki płac w sektorze publicznym (średnio o 20%, nauczyciele otrzymają podwyżkę o 30%), to łącznie około 1/3 zatrudnionych otrzyma podwyżkę co najmniej 20%. Waloryzacja rent i emerytur przyniesie ich wzrost o kilkanaście procent, zaś średni nominalny wzrost płac w całej gospodarce przekroczy 10% r/r.

  1. Środki te mają zostać wypłacone najpóźniej do końca 2026, zaś biorąc pod uwagę znaczne opóźnienia w rozpoczęciu korzystania z tych programów przez Polskę, istnieje ryzyko, że nie uda się ich wykorzystać w całości.
  2. Bez przedłużenia działań osłonowych dynamika PKB byłaby nieco niższa i wyniosłaby w 2024 r.
  3. W 2024 r., po czym spadłaby do 3,5 proc.
  4. Pierwsza połowa 2025 przyniesie dalszy wzrost inflacji do ok 6%, zaś druga połowa 2025 powinna stać pod znakiem jej spadku w okolice 5%.

Prezes Adam Glapiński komentuje perspektywy inflacji. Zdradza, co z wyczekiwanymi obniżkami stóp

Pierwsza połowa 2025 przyniesie dalszy wzrost inflacji do ok 6%, zaś druga połowa 2025 powinna stać pod znakiem jej spadku w okolice 5%. Pierwszy kwartał 2024 przyniósł spadek wskaźnika inflacji do 2% w marcu, ale kolejne miesiące przyniosą wzrosty, zaś rok najprawdopodobniej zakończymy z inflacją w okolicy 5%. Resort finansów prognozuje wzrost przeciętnego wynagrodzenia w gospodarce narodowej w 2024 r. Na poziomie 11,9 proc., a w 2025 r. «W 2026 r. średnioroczna inflacja wyniesie 3,3 proc., a w 2027 r. 2,5 proc.» – napisano. W horyzoncie prognozy resort finansów przewiduje utrzymanie stopniowego spadku inflacji w kierunku celu inflacyjnego NBP.

Maleje niepewność w sprawie inflacji. Tak zmienia się droga do obniżek stóp w Polsce

W 2024 r., 3,4 proc w roku 2025 i 2,9 proc. Gdyby jednak przedłużenia działań osłonowych Że wszystkie udane systemy handlowe nie było, inflacja średnio wyniosłaby 5,7 proc. W 2024 r., po czym spadłaby do 3,5 proc. Pomimo działań rządu nakierowanych na ograniczenie wzrostu cen energii i gazu, dynamika cen energii w br. Utrzyma się na podwyższonym poziomie. Z kolei inwestycje prywatne pozostaną pod wpływem wyższych stóp procentowych i zwiększonej niepewności.

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Konsumpcja publiczna również w znacznym stopniu przyczyni się do wzrostu gospodarczego dzięki nowym dodatkowym środkom wsparcia fiskalnego” – podała KE w swojej analizie. «Oczekuje się, że, podobnie jak w roku ubiegłym, przeciętne zatrudnienie w gospodarce narodowej w 2024 r. wzrośnie o 0,5 proc. oraz o 0,7 proc. w 2025 r. W br. oczekiwany jest spadek stopy bezrobocia rejestrowanego do 5,0 proc. na koniec roku, a w 2025 r. do 4,9 proc.» – dodano. Autorzy raportu wskazują, że do rewizji ścieżki PKB w górę przyczynia się również szybsze od założeń projekcji listopadowej wygasanie presji kosztowej będącej skutkiem szoków podażowych z ostatnich lat. Średnia inflacja w pierwszym kwartale 2024 wyniosła 2,8%, w drugim 2,5%, w trzecim oczekiwany jest wzrost do 4,4%, a w czwartym do 5%.

Wyjątek stanowią sytuacje, w których treści, dane lub informacje są wykorzystywane w celu ułatwienia ich wyszukiwania przez wyszukiwarki internetowe. W listopadowej projekcji ekonomiści NBP prognozowali wyższą inflację niż teraz (zakładając brak przedłużenia tarcz). Wtedy szacowano, że indeks CPI w 2024 r.

Wysoki napływ inwestycji bezpośrednich oraz oczekiwany wzrost inwestycji publicznych powinien jednak sprzyjać utrzymaniu wzrostu tej kategorii w horyzoncie prognozy. W opinii MF polityka fiskalna w 2023 r. Nie jest klasyczną stymulacją fiskalną a stanowi reakcję na konsekwencje wojny w Ukrainie, wynika z inwestycji w obronność oraz działań osłonowych związanych ze wzrostem cen energii. „Prognozuje się, że inflacja HICP (zharmonizowany wskaźnik cen towarów i usług konsumpcyjnych) w 2024 r. Wyniesie 5,2 proc., a w 2025 r.

Ciasteczka funkcjonalne są niezbędne do prawidłowego działania strony oraz wypełniania obowiązku informacyjnego. Wybierając opcje „Zgadzam się”, zezwalasz operatorowi strony na używanie plików cookie, pikseli, znaczników i podobnych technologii w celach analitycznych i marketingowych. Według KE polska gospodarka wzrosła w 2023 roku o Poznaj Jacka The Day Trader 0,2 proc., o nieco mniej niż szacowała w swojej jesiennej prognozie.

Inflacja w Polsce zaskoczyła negatywnie. GUS podał najnowsze dane

prognozowana inflacja 2024

Wysokie nominalne dynamiki płac i świadczeń podyktowane są wysoką inflacją za poprzedni rok, podczas gdy średnia inflacja CPI w 2024 wzrośnie około 4%, co oznaczać będzie znaczną dynamikę realnych wzrostów płac i świadczeń w 2024, wspierając realny wzrost konsumpcji prywatnej – szczególnie iż największe wzrosty płac dotyczyć będą osób o najniższych uposażeniach, a zarazem najwyższej skłonności do konsumpcji. Wskazano, że po przejściowym silnym wzroście cen żywności i energii, niższa presja popytowa będzie wzmacniać proces dezinflacji w polskiej gospodarce, prowadząc do obniżenia ścieżki inflacji bazowej i cen żywności w 2026 r. Poniżej ścieżki ze scenariusza centralnego projekcji (tzn. gdyby tarcze były przedłużane).

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Określenie metale ziem rzadkich obejmuje grupę 17 pierwiastków, w tym lantan, prazeodym, neodym oraz lutet. Odkrycie nowych złóż na dnie Pacyfiku, w pobliżu Hawajów i Haiti, może zmienić dynamikę rynku metali ziem rzadkich. Oczekuje się, że nowe źródła mogą zmniejszyć zależność od Chin i zwiększyć dostępność tych surowców na rynku światowym. Konieczne są zatem dalsze prace nad bezpiecznymi i ekologicznymi sposobami wydobycia metali ziem rzadkich z dna oceanicznego. Pierwiastek metaliczny, kowalny, ciągliwy, wykazuje słabe właściwości mechaniczne. Został niezależnie odkryty na początku XIX wieku przez dwóch uczonych, hiszpańskiego mineraloga Andreasa del Rio oraz szwedzkiego chemika Neilsa Sefstroma.

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Szkolenia systemów uczenia maszynowego lub sztucznej inteligencji (AI), bez uprzedniej, wyraźnej zgody Ringier Axel Springer Polska sp. Wyjątek stanowią sytuacje, w których treści, dane lub informacje są wykorzystywane w celu ułatwienia ich wyszukiwania przez wyszukiwarki internetowe. Prezes PGG zaznaczył, że metale rzadkie pochodzą zwykle z krajów niedemokratycznych, często nierespektujących praw człowieka.

  1. Prowadzące od trzech lat odwierty przedsiębiorstwo REN zadeklarowało, że jest w stanie rozpocząć wydobycie w 2030 r.
  2. Fundusz replikuje wyniki indeksu bazowego poprzez pełną replikację (kupując wszystkie składniki indeksu).
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W 1844 roku niemiecki chemik Rose zmienił jego nazwę na niob – nazwa ta związana jest z mitologią grecką, Niobe to imię jakie nosiła córka Tantala. Połączenie niobu z tantalem nie było przypadkowe gdyż pierwiastek ten najczęściej towarzyszy złożom tantalu. Najważniejszymi minerałami są kolumbit oraz samarskit. Wanad stosuje się jako dodatek stopowy do stali, którym nadaje wytrzymałość na rozerwanie oraz odporność na ścieranie i pękanie.

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Inwestowanie w surowce przyszłości? Metale ziem rzadkich to dobry pomysł.

Oferujemy metale ziem rzadkich, cena jest ustalana na podstawie technologicznych cech produkcji bez uwzględnienia dodatkowych kosztów. Istnieje możliwość zamówienia produktów o niestandardowych parametrach. Terminową dostawę zapewniają przedstawicielstwa w miastach Europy Wschodniej. Chociaż rynek metali ziem rzadkich ma rosnąć w zadawalającym tempie 9% rocznie do Kredyt hipoteczny Refinansowanie : Jak wybrać brokera 2030 roku, to zdaniem analityków wybrane metale mają jeszcze większy potencjał inwestycyjny. Tutaj coroczne wzrosty zapotrzebowania mogą nawet przekraczać 20%.

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Sefstrom nadał pierwiastkowi nazwę na cześć skandynawskiej Kupowanie po stronie przyjęcia narzędzi agregacji w miarę trwania konsolidacji bogini miłości i piękna Vanadis. Jest uznawany za materiał strategiczny ze względu na jego rzadkie występowanie. Zacznijmy może od tego, że nie dziwi nas około 150-procentowy wzrost ceny litu w ciągu roku.

Chiny kontrolują około 97% globalnej produkcji metali ziem rzadkich. W 2010 roku, aby zaspokoić krajowe Chevron: Q2 2022 Raport o zarobkach zapotrzebowanie, Państwo Środka ogłosiło ograniczenie ich eksportu o 35%. Ta decyzja wywołała globalne zaniepokojenie, gdyż większość krajów jest uzależniona od dostaw z Chin.

The GER30 trading the biggest shakeup in the DAX since 1988

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Any references to past performance and forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results. Axi makes no representation and assumes no liability regarding the accuracy and completeness of the content in this publication. The actual selection of the constituents is based on free-float market capitalisation, and this is reviewed quarterly. Hakan Samuelsson and Oddmund Groette are independent full-time traders and investors who together with their team manage this website.

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What is the German equivalent of the S&P 500?

IG is one of the only UK trading providers to offer pre and post-market trading hours for the Germany 30. You can trade the index from 11.02pm on a Sunday to 10pm on a Friday, and also on weekends – from 8am on Saturday to 10.40pm on Sunday (UK time). The prices used to calculate the DAX Index come through Xetra, an electronic trading system. A free-float methodology is used to calculate the index weightings along with a measure of the average trading volume. Past performance is no indication of future performance and tax laws are subject to change. The information on this website is general in nature and doesn’t take into account your or your client’s personal objectives, financial circumstances, or needs.

Ways to trade

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The DAX Index is calculated every second, based on how to become a sql server database administrator the trading prices from Xetra. Until 5.30 p.m., with the index closing price based on the closing auction prices of the index constituents. The DAX Index uses a free-float adjusted market-cap weighted index methodology, ensuring that it represents the market value of its constituents in a way that is accessible to the public and reflects true market dynamics. The start of the DAX Index dates back to July 1, 1988, with an index level of 1,163.52 points.

  1. The risks of loss from investing in CFDs can be substantial and the value of your investments may fluctuate.
  2. However, ETFs remain a preferred method among most investors due to their ability to offer more comprehensive coverage across all components of the DAX index itself.
  3. Financial institutions, brokerages, and trading platforms provide a range of DAX Index-related products for investment.
  4. The DAX Index is considered a gauge for Germany’s economic health, tracking large and actively traded German companies that influence both the domestic and global economy.

How is the DAX 40 calculated?

The DAX Index is calculated by taking the weighted average of the prices of the 30 largest and most actively traded companies listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in Germany. Unlike other stock indices, the DAX updates with futures prices for the upcoming day even after the main stock exchange has closed. In this ever-evolving index, companies can be removed if they fall below the top 45 largest companies or added if they rise into the top 25. It is composed of the 40 largest companies in Germany that trade on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Like most stock market indices, it is considered a bellwether of the German economy, which is why analysts and remote mobile developer jobs investors look closely at how it performs. But, when it drops, it may mean that investors should prepare for a rough economic patch.

The DAX Index, also known as Deutscher Aktien Index or GER40, is a German stock index that represents 40 of the largest and most liquid German companies trading on the Frankfurt Exchange. It’s calculated using a free-float methodology, taking into account average trading volume to determine index weightings. The prices for the DAX calculations are derived from Xetra, an electronic trading system, which greatly enhances trading efficiency. what is the bond market and how does it work The DAX is the stock exchange where the Germany 30 constituents are listed. These hours are most relevant to investors looking to buy Germany 30 ETFs or shares.

The list of volatility catalysts are building, and whether the trader flow is aimed at longs, or shorts is yet to be seen, but we see an election on 26 September that could get messy. The Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 index is a share index of the 100 highest market capitalisation companies on the London Stock Exchange. Before we discuss how to trade indices like the DAX, let us have a look at what this index represents and the largest companies included in it. The DAX 40 is not only Germany’s leading stock index, but also widely followed worldwide.

On the other hand, GER40 typically refers to the CAC 40, which is the benchmark French stock market index representing the 40 largest French publicly traded companies listed on the Euronext Paris. While both indices are important indicators of their respective country’s economic performance, they track different sets of companies and reflect different market conditions. Therefore, it’s crucial to differentiate between GER30 and GER40 when discussing stock market movements and investment strategies. The companies listed on the DAX Index are multinational and cover a wide range of industries, contributing to Germany’s economic strength and global influence. The DAX Index is often compared to the Dow Jones Industrial Average in the United States due to its role as a blue-chip stock market index.

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Jak wygląda praca Dolar wraca na swoje pozycje: prognoza na 28 września-Forex konsultanta forex? Czy warto inwestować w gaz ziemny? Kiedy modyfikować swoje zlecenie obronne? Turcja w obliczu ryzyka politycznego, czy przezwycięży kryzys? Euro zwiększyło stabilność poziomu cen oraz stopy procentowej.

Podane informacje służą wyłącznie celom informacyjnym i edukacyjnym i nie stanowią żadnego rodzaju porady finansowej ani rekomendacji inwestycyjnej. Kontrakty CFD są złożonymi instrumentami i wiążą się z dużym ryzykiem szybkiej utraty środków pieniężnych z powodu dźwigni finansowej. 76% rachunków inwestorów detalicznych odnotowuje straty pieniężne w wyniku handlu kontraktami CFD u niniejszego dostawcy CFD. Zastanów się, czy rozumiesz, jak działają kontrakty CFD i czy możesz pozwolić sobie na wysokie ryzyko utraty pieniędzy.

Poniżej przedstawiamy aktualne notowania euro w naszym kantorze internetowym. Czy Chiny są kolosem na glinianych nogach? Jak rysować potencjalne scenariusze? Czy formacje cenowe Deutsche Bank finalizuje duże partnerstwo w chmurze z Google są skuteczne?

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  3. Wydanie magazynu to aż 130 stron poświęconych inwestowaniu.
  4. Obowiązuje obecnie w 19 państwach i posługuje się nią ponad 337 mln osób na świecie.
  5. Ponadto jego wprowadzenie ma na celu redukcję ryzyka kursowego.
  6. Inwestowanie jest ryzykowne i możesz stracić część lub całość zainwestowanego kapitału.

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Wczytaj się w rynek z 4 wydaniem FxMaga. Drugie wydanie magazynu FxMag cechuje wyjątkowość w postaci osoby, która zechciała podzielić się z naszymi czytelnikami swoimi radami. Znany na całym świecie, autor bestsellera Market Wizards, Jack Schwager to osoba koło której nie można przejść obojętnie. Sprawdź jakich rad Jack udzielił polskim inwestorom. Sprawdzamy jak wygląda polityka pieniężna banków centralnych, co może wywołać krach oraz jak przetrwać bessę. Inwestowanie jest ryzykowne i możesz stracić część lub całość zainwestowanego kapitału.

Wydanie 26

Szczery wywiad o spekulacji z osobą, która nielegalnie zarządzała kapitałem. Poruszamy tematy kryzysów finansowych oraz manipulacji na rynkach. Sprawdzamy jak w praktyce wyglądać będą Pracownicze Plany Kapitłowe PPK, jak przewiedzieć działania banku centralnego oraz czy czeka nas krach na rynkach finansowych. Jeżeli masz kod rabatowy, możesz go wprowadzićw koszyku, przy składaniu zamówienia. Pliki cookie pomagają nam zrozumieć, w jaki sposób korzystasz ze strony i jak możemy ją lepiej dostosować do Twoich potrzeb. Kurs euro na wykresie jest prezentowany dla celów orientacyjnych, w oparciu o przybliżone dane i nie ma charakteru transakcyjnego tzn.

Eksperci przypominają też wypowiedziach członków RPP. W rozważaniach ekspertów dotyczących stóp procentowych w Polsce wciąż «na stole» jest decyzja o mrożeniu cen prądu. «Rozwiązanie to obniży inflację, co sprzyja scenariuszowi pierwszej obniżki stóp RPP wiosną» – uważają analitycy PKO BP. Dzięki nim możemy dostosowywać treści do konkretnego odbiorcy i prowadzić kampanie marketingowe. Jeśli zdecydujemy się na wypłatę gotówki, zobaczymy, że wszystkie monety euro posiadają identycznie zaprojektowany rewers, na którym widnieje mapa Europy oraz nominał. Na Co mówi głowa i ramiona w handlu awersie figurują zaś symbole narodowe (zazwyczaj nieoficjalne) kraju, który emituje daną monetę.

Forex.pl promuje usługi finansowe licencjonowanych podmiotów zarejestrowanych w Unii Europejskiej. Nie prowadzimy bezpośredniej sprzedaży produktów finansowych. Nie zbieramy Państwa danych personalnych. Przedstawiamy ofertę wyłącznie dla nieokreślonego adresata.

ETMarkets Smart Talk: Gold and Silver: Tarun Birani on their appeal amid economic uncertainty

what is gold and silver prices

If you are “short” a stock, you borrow someone else’s shares and How to buy an nft sell them, as if you had owned them. You make money when the price goes down and you lose money when the price goes up. Pokémon Gold and Pokémon Silver are my favorite Pokémon games, so I purchased the Lugia and Ho-Oh plushes the minute The Pokémon Center’s listings went live.

Believe it or not, gold soared over 2,300% in the 1970s, because there was a series of crises The Daily Trading Coach underway — two recessions, an energy embargo, runaway inflation, and sky-high interest rates. Combined, they served to push gold’s price to its inflation-adjusted all-time high. Predicting gold and silver prices thus depends on a number of factors, but primarily they involve one’s outlook for the future.

  1. Any transaction you make in the gold market will be based upon the spot price.
  2. We offer storage both domestically and abroad at a very reasonable cost.
  3. The Pokémon Center has just re-released a Galar-region Pokémon as a jumbo-size plush.
  4. Mike Maloney has discussed the gold/silver ratio’s historical patterns and utility, as well as where the ratio is likely headed.
  5. Val Kilmer’s time as Batman and Bruce Wayne was severely underrated, and the actor’s earlier work as Doc Holliday in Tombstone proves it.

Here’s how to find a reputable dealer with competitive premiums, along with advice on what to buy. Any buying and selling you want to do will be based upon the spot price at the moment of purchase or sale. Purchases are based on the “ask” price, and sales are based on the “bid” price. Silver has actually circulated as currency more often than gold. While silver has numerous industrial uses and can thus be affected by economic activity, it too has served as a safe haven during periods of financial crisis.

Mike Maloney thinks silver could ultimately hit the high three figures. Additionally, Federal Reserve commentary and critical U.S. economic releases, such berkshire hathaway letters to shareholders as consumer confidence and housing data, will play a significant role. Market participants will be watching for any indications that monetary policy may shift sooner than expected, as this could influence silver’s direction. Some initial guidelines for first-time investors from one of America’s top gold experts. Val Kilmer’s time as Batman and Bruce Wayne was severely underrated, and the actor’s earlier work as Doc Holliday in Tombstone proves it.

what is gold and silver prices

How Do You Calculate the Value of Your Gold & Silver Bullion?

A recent Reddit post about the anniversary plushes is full of collectors commenting on the high quality of the plushes, as well as the unfortunate price point. «Gorgeous plush but I couldn’t justify the cost,» wrote DQslimee. «I could maybe justify it if it were soft, but this little guy doesn’t look that cuddly,» stated SporadicSage. Almost all the comments in the Reddit thread have similar reservations, with many pointing out that it was cheaper to buy the plushes from the Japanese store. Fans immediately took note of the price tag for each of the new plushies, as each one costs a whopping $49.99. While some think this is a fair price, the majority of Pokémon fans seem to think this is a bit overpriced.

This kind of trading — known as “front-running” — is illegal in the stock market, It is legal with precious metals. We think there are a multitude of outsized current risk factors again, and that a series of crises is headed our way — if so, gold and silver prices are likely to hit new all-time highs. A five-figure gold price is possible if the crises are severe enough. Here’s what a dozen of the largest investment banks predict for gold prices in 2018.

Plushes Sold In US Nearly Twice The Cost Of Plushes In Japan

Very little physical metal changes hands via the futures market. To celebrate these hallmark Pokémon games’ birthday, The Pokémon Company released a new merchandise line focused on the two games. While most of the merchandise is currently only available in Japan, the online Pokémon Center store did release special commemorative plush versions of Lugia and Ho-Oh for purchase in the United States.

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Instead of their usual coloration, Ho-Oh and Lugia have a gold and silver color scheme, respectively, to match the colors of the games and each plush comes with poseable wings. What all of this means is that it’s suicide for small investors to try to make money on short-term bets in the gold market. Whenever real consumer demand for the physical metal rises — as we believe it will going forward — the price will rise along with it, no matter how much paper contracts might be manipulated. If they are buying lots of contracts, other big institutional buyers like hedge funds will follow their lead, moving the price up. The banks have a major advantage here, because they also generally hold the big funds’ gold accounts. So they know what their clients are doing and can place trades with or against them.

Thus nearly all of the trading on the exchange results from major financial institutions making speculative moves or hedges, using large contracts as the vehicle. The value of your bullion holding is easily calculated by multiplying the number of ounces you have by the spot price. Thus you will pay more than spot if you are buying and will receive less than spot if selling — with small, local dealers generally charging the highest premiums. There will also be shipping and handling fees, and possibly taxes if you buy locally. Buyers and sellers trade contracts for the right to buy or sell 100-oz. Nearly all contracts are “zeroed out” by the end of the trading day, meaning almost no one ends any given trading day with contracts that leave them expecting the physical delivery of gold.

What Is a Reverse Repurchase Agreement RRP? How It Works, With Example

reverse repo rate definition

In short, the RBI absorbs surplus money from banks against the collateral of eligible government securities on an overnight basis. This happens under the Liquidity Adjustment Facility or LAF under the Reverse Repo Rate. In these cases, if the collateral falls in value, a margin call will require the borrower to amend the securities offered. If it seems likely that the security value may rise and the creditor may not sell it reverse repo rate definition back to the borrower, under-collateralization can be used to mitigate this risk.

Changes in the ON RRP should cause a move away from the Fed as a primary counterparty toward the private sector as its overnight repo sales continue downward. Despite these and other regulatory changes over the last decade, there are still systemic risks within the repo space. The Fed continues to worry that a default by a major repo dealer could inspire a fire sale among money funds, which would then negatively affect the broader market. The future of the repo space may involve continuing regulations that limit the actions of these transactors, or it may involve a shift toward a centralized clearinghouse system. For the time being, though, repurchase agreements remain an important means of facilitating short-term borrowing. An increase in repo rates means banks pay more for the money they borrow from the central bank.

It makes borrowing cheaper, resulting in more money being spent and swirling around the economy. Typically, clearing banks begin to settle repos early in the day, although they’re not technically settled until the end of the day. This delay usually means that billions of dollars of intraday credit are extended to dealers daily. These agreements are about 80% of the repurchase agreement market, which stood at about $3.65 trillion in January 2024. In this arrangement involving three entities, a clearing agent or bank conducts the transactions between the buyer and seller and protects the interests of each. It holds the securities and ensures that the seller receives cash at the onset, that the buyer transfers funds for the benefit of the seller, and that the securities are delivered at maturity.

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reverse repo rate definition

This squeezes lenders’ profits and increases interest rates on loans made to the public. This generally discourages people and businesses from taking out loans, which can cut consumer spending, business investment, and the amount of money circulating in the economy. This might be necessary if the central bank is attempting to tackle inflation.

As per the latest news, the repo rate remained unchanged, as announced on 8th August 2024. Primary dealers and eligible depository institutions are participants in SRF operations. The bank’s last rate review was on April 8 and the next wasn’t till June 8. The significant rise in repo volumes can be attributed to several prominent changes within the market and the broader economy.

Repurchase Agreement (Repo): Definition, Examples, and Risks

Specialized repos have a bond guarantee at the beginning of the agreement and at maturity, along with the collateral. The applicable interest charge is through a reverse repurchase agreement. They are essential to boosting credit and investments by businesses as the Indian economy pushes to emerge from the twin blows of the pandemic and the conflict in Ukraine. The Monetary Policy Committee’s review of the economy is key to markets and general business sentiment.

How Reverse Repurchase Agreements (RRPs) Work

Banks can park their money with the RBI at a lower interest rate than the Repo Rate or Repurchase Rate. RBI earns more on what it lends to banks than its expense on what it borrows from the banks. Since RBI can’t offer higher interest on deposits and charge lower interest on loans, Repo Rate is higher than Reverse Repo. Also, the Reverse Repo Rate is generally kept lower to discourage banks from keeping surplus funds with RBI as against lending them to individuals and businesses. Both the primary tools in RBI’s Monetary and Credit Policy work in an opposite manner. The RBI uses repo and reverse repo rates to gently nudge interest rates offered throughout the banking sector and, therefore, the broader economy.

Together, the IORB rate and the ON RRP set a floor under overnight rates, beneath which banks and non-bank financial institutions should be unwilling to invest funds in private markets. In the intricate landscape of monetary policy and financial markets, these key interest rates play a pivotal role in the overall health of the economy. These rates are fundamental tools employed by central banks to regulate liquidity, control inflation, and to stabilize the economy. The reverse repo rate is the rate on commercial banks’ deposits with the central bank. Most banking organizations choose this safer strategy to secure their funds in the event of a surplus.

Explained: What are repo rate, reverse repo and monetary policy

A reverse repurchase agreement (RRP), or reverse repo, is the sale of securities with the agreement to repurchase them at a higher price at a specific future date. A reverse repo refers to the seller side of a repurchase agreement (RP), or repo. In addition to these operations, the New York Fed executes repo and reverse repo transactions with its foreign and international monetary authorities (FIMA) customers. Additional information on pooled foreign overnight reverse repo transactions and the standing FIMA Repo Facility is available here. An increase in the Reverse Repo Rate provides an incentive to the banks to park their surplus funds with the central bank on a short-term basis, thereby reducing liquidity in the banking system.

  1. And because the repo price exceeds the collateral’s value, these agreements tend to be mutually beneficial.
  2. A reverse repo, meanwhile, borrows money from the system when there is too much liquidity.
  3. In this context, repo rate and reverse repo rate are instruments of RBI’s monetary policy that can help control the money supply in the economy.
  4. A dealer sells securities to a counterparty who agrees to repurchase them at a higher price on a given date.

Reserve Bank of India formulates and administers monetary policies specifically for the purpose of controlling the supply of money in the economy to stimulate various aspects of economic growth. In this context, repo rate and reverse repo rate are instruments of RBI’s monetary policy that can help control the money supply in the economy. When the Federal Reserve uses a reverse repo, the central bank initially sells securities and agrees to buy them back later. In these cases, the Fed borrows money from the market, which it may do when there is too much liquidity in the system.

reverse repo rate definition

Current Repo Rate in India

The Desk conducts overnight repo operations under the SRF each business day at a pre-announced bid rate set by the FOMC. Treasury, agency debt, and agency mortgage-backed securities are eligible to settle repo transactions under the SRF. Information on the results of the Desk’s repo operations is available here. Essentially the monetary policy is a collection of financial tools and measures available with the RBI (or the central bank of any country) to safeguard and promote economic growth. While there are other ways for central banks to do this, monetary policy reviews are among the most effective.

This encourages people to spend money because they see lesser value in keeping cash in the banks. Like all banks, the RBI must earn more than it pays – this means the interest it charges the commercial banks is higher than the interest it pays out to the same banks. The lender is the commercial banks, and the borrower is the Reserve Bank of India. It is also likely to have a crucial impact on other finance-centric elements such as fixed deposits, mutual funds, savings accounts, etc. A slight change in it can directly impact EMIs and rates of interest on various types of loans like Personal Loans, Car Loans, Business Loans, Home Loans, etc. The repo rate is an influential component that affects various segments of the economy.

The Standing Repo Facility (SRF) serves as a backstop to dampen upward interest rate pressures that can occasionally emerge in overnight U.S. dollar funding markets and spillover into the fed funds market. The Desk generally conducts both the ON RRP and SRF operations each business day. The sellers of repo agreements can be banks, hedge funds, insurance companies, money market mutual funds, and any other entity in need of a short-term infusion of cash. On the other side of the trade, the buyers are commercial banks, central banks, asset managers with temporary cash surpluses, and so on. Under the SRF, eligible institutions could borrow money overnight from the Federal Reserve, using securities such as Treasury bonds as collateral.

To answer this question, we begin with understanding the Repo rate, followed by the Reverse Repo Rate. We will also look at the definitions, mechanisms, and differences between these two key interest rates. Higher the rate, the cost of the funds in repo rate increases for commercial banks; hence the loans become more expensive. Repo rate is the interest charged by the RBI when commercial banks borrow from them by selling their securities to the central bank.

Repo Rate Vs Reverse Repo Rate Definition & Differences IIFL Finance

reverse repo rate definition

Short-term RRPs hold smaller collateral risks than long-term RRPs because, over the long term, assets held as collateral can often depreciate in value, causing collateral risk for the buyer. From the above historic data, it is clear that while the reverse repo rate has always been maintained at a lower level that the repo rate of RBI. While in last couple of years, the difference has been maintained at only 25 basis points (0.25%), earlier this was higher – even as much as 100 basis points (1%). Monetary policies basically control the overall supply of money available to commercial banks and, indirectly, to individual users and companies.

It is the rate where the commercial banks in India park excess funds with the Reserve Bank of India, typically for a short period of time. As previously stated, the repo rate is utilized by the Indian central bank to restrict the flow of money in the market. RBI increases the Reverse Repo Rate so as to incentivise the banks to deposit surplus funds with it to earn higher interest on them. It reduces the supply of money in the system, thus controlling inflation. Similarly, when the RBI has to stoke inflation a little, it may choose to cut Reverse Repo Rate and Repo Rate, which frees up the money supply.

Conversely, in a reverse repo transaction, the Desk sells securities to a counterparty subject to an agreement to repurchase the securities at a later date. Reverse repo transactions temporarily reduce the supply of reserve balances in the banking system. In a repo transaction, the Desk purchases securities from a counterparty subject to an agreement to resell the securities at a later date. Each repo transaction is economically similar to a loan collateralized by securities, and temporarily increases the supply of reserve balances in the banking system. When the Fed banks repurchases securities from private banks, it does so at a discounted rate, known as the repo rate. The repo rate system allows the Fed to control the money supply by increasing or decreasing available funds.

Let’s say Bank ABC currently has excess cash reserves, and it is looking to put some of that money to work. Meanwhile, Bank XYZ is facing a reserve shortfall and needs a temporary cash boost. Bank XYZ may enter a reverse repo agreement with Bank ABC, agreeing to sell securities for the other bank to hold overnight before buying them back at a slightly higher price. From the perspective of Bank ABC, which buys the securities and agrees to sell them back at a premium the next day, the transaction is a repurchase agreement. Repos are classified as a money market instrument, and they are usually used to raise short-term capital. Reverse repurchase agreements (RRPs, or reverse repos) are the seller end of a repurchase agreement.

The Financial Crisis and the Repo Market

In a reverse repo, a party in need of cash reserves temporarily sells a business asset, equipment, or even shares in another company, with the stipulation that it will buy the assets back at a premium. Like other types of lenders, the buyer of the assets in a repo agreement earns money for providing a cash boost to the seller, and the underlying collateral reduces the risk of the transaction. Repos essentially act as short-term, collateral-backed, interest-bearing loans, with the buyer playing the role of lender, the seller as the borrower, and the security as the collateral. The pandemic set off a rush for safe assets, driven by the period’s extensive economic uncertainties.

Then, at a set future time, the lender sells the asset back for a higher price. High-quality debt instruments with little risk of default are most commonly used, such as government bonds, corporate bonds, or mortgage-backed securities. The collateral needs to have a predictable value, reflect the value of the loan, and be easy to sell in the event the loan isn’t repaid on time. Other assets can be used, including, for example, equity market indexes. This resulted in the Fed becoming a critical counterparty in the repo market, with the market size tripling from the beginning of 2021 to 2023.

In this kind of agreement, the seller gets cash for the security but holds it in a custodial account for the buyer. This type is even less common than specialized delivery repos because there is a risk that the seller may become insolvent and the borrower may not have access to the collateral. As with any loan, the creditor bears the risk that the debtor won’t repay the principal. And because the repo price exceeds the collateral’s value, these agreements tend to be mutually beneficial. The language around repos gets abstract, even dry, very fast, but the daily work of finance is done through and with these (mostly) overnight flows.

Repo and Reverse Repo Agreements

This is because, every time a central bank changes the reverse repo rate, the reverse repo rate definition cost of consumer borrowing changes. Knowing the reverse repo rate can help them get an even more affordable interest rate on their personal loan. In a macro example of RRPs, the Federal Reserve Bank uses repos and RRPs to provide stability in lending markets through open market operations (OMOs). The RRP transaction is used less often than a repo by the Fed, as a repo puts money into the banking system when it is short, whereas an RRP borrows money from the system when there is too much liquidity. The Fed conducts RRPs to maintain long-term monetary policy and control capital liquidity levels in the market. The reverse repo rate is utilized to control the economy’s liquidity, while the repo rate is utilized to control inflation.

These financial instruments are also called collateralized loans, buy/sell back loans, and sell/buy back loans. Once the real interest rate has been calculated, comparing the rate against other funding sources should reveal whether the repurchase agreement is a good deal. Generally, as a secured form of lending, repurchase agreements offer better terms than money market cash lending agreements. From the perspective of a reverse repo participant, the agreement can also produce extra income on excess cash reserves.

Clearing banks for tri-party repos in the U.S. include JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) and Bank of New York Mellon (BNY). Repurchase agreements are safe investments because the securities involved, typically Treasury bonds, (federal) agency mortgage-backed securities (MBS), and others, are the collateral. Classified as a money market instrument, a repo is thus a short-term, collateral-backed, interest-bearing loan. The buyer acts as a short-term lender, while the seller is a short-term borrower. A higher reverse repo rate encourages banks to deposit funds with the Central Bank, reducing the overall money supply and restraining inflationary pressures.

How Does the Federal Reserve Use Reverse Repos?

A reverse repo, meanwhile, borrows money from the system when there is too much liquidity. These transactions, which often occur between two banks, are essentially collateralized loans. The difference between the original purchase price and the buyback price, along with the timing of the transaction (often overnight), equates to interest paid by the seller to the buyer. The reverse repo is the final step in the repurchase agreement, closing the contract. The Desk conducts ON RRP operations at a pre-announced offering rate set by the FOMC. Treasury securities held in the System Open Market Account (SOMA) portfolio to settle ON RRP transactions.

Essentially it is the interest charged by the RBI when banks borrow from them – much like commercial banks charge you interest for a car loan or home loan. The longer the term of the repo, the more likely the collateral securities’ value will fluctuate before the repurchase, and business activities can affect the repurchaser’s ability to complete the contract. It is higher than the reverse repo rate, creating an incentive for banks to lend. When the rate is high, the money supply in the economy gets lower as commercial banks park more excess funds with the Reserve Bank of India.

reverse repo rate definition

For the investor buying the security under the stipulation of selling it back shortly, it’s a reverse repo agreement. The U.S. Federal Reserve uses repos to regulate the money supply and bank reserves. Individuals typically use them to finance the purchase of debt securities or other investments. Repurchase agreements are strictly short-term investments, and their maturity period is called the «rate,» the «term,» or the «tenor.» An increased repo rate means that banks borrowing money from the central bank during this period will have to pay more interest. This inhibits banks from borrowing money, reducing the amount of money in the market and helping to negate inflation.

  1. This delay usually means that billions of dollars of intraday credit are extended to dealers daily.
  2. The cash paid for the initial security sale and paid for the repurchase will depend on the value and type of security in the repo.
  3. Repos are classified as a money market instrument, and they are usually used to raise short-term capital.
  4. In short, the RBI absorbs surplus money from banks against the collateral of eligible government securities on an overnight basis.
  5. These agreements are about 80% of the repurchase agreement market, which stood at about $3.65 trillion in January 2024.

In recent years, the Federal Reserve has significantly increased its involvement in the repo market. Establishing the Standing Repo Facility (SRF) and the Overnight Reverse Repo Facility (ON RRP) has given it powerful tools for managing liquidity in American short-term funding markets. When the rate is low, the money supply in the economy gets higher as banks lend more and lessen the deposits with RBI.

Central banks and other financial institutions use repo rates and reverse repo rates to manage their daily short-term liquidity. The repo rate is the interest rate at which commercial banks take or borrow money from the Reserve Bank of India. The RBI loans money to commercial banks in exchange for any government securities.

Whats behind the historic stock market highs and how it relates to the overall economy

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The what is freshforex Long-Term Capital Management hedge fund almost collapsed, threatening to push its banking investors into bankruptcy. Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan convinced them to support the hedge fund, averting further disaster. The Dow gained 3,472.56 points during 2013, higher than any prior year on record.

Investing in the right stocks can leapfrog the progress you make toward your long-term financial goals. But what should you look for before you decide on the right group of stocks to own? Cassava Sciences shares cratered 85% after the company halted late-stage trials of simufilam, an Alzheimer’s disease treatment. The drug failed to reduce the decline of cognitive function in patients in the study, who had mild or moderate Alzheimer’s. The sector was the best performer in the index, led to the upside by a 4% gain in shares of Public Storage and CBRE how is information different from data Group. Extra Space Storage and Alexandria Real Estate Equities jumped more than 3% each.

It usually occurs within relatively longer bear markets and lasts about three years. Share repurchases among the S&P 500 companies were 59% higher in the first quarter of 2014 than the first quarter in 2013. It was the largest amount since 2007, right before the stock market crashed.

(46 record closes)

By Jan. 20, it closed at 15,766.74, as investors panicked over plummeting oil prices, the devaluation of the yuan, and turmoil in China’s stock market. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is one of the many gauges of stock market performance. This history of the Dow since the Great Depression demonstrates how stock market fluctuations reflect the natural stages of the business cycle. In general, the Dow has underperformed during strong years in the stock market because the Dow has a higher focus on value and income, whereas the Nasdaq Composite focuses less on value and income. If the market is doing well, that probably means investors are willing to take on more risk, pay a higher price for growth, and gravitate toward Nasdaq stocks. Conversely, an encouraging drop in inflation reported earlier this week helped to fuel this latest rally.

A bull market is a term denoting a period of price increases, while a bear market denotes a period of declines. Wall Street generally considers a bear market in session when multiple broad market indices have a downturn of 20% or more in value lasting for at least 2 months. The Dow is also a price-weighted index instead of being weighted by market capitalization. This means that stocks in the index with higher share prices have greater influence, even if they are smaller companies overall in terms of market value. This also means that stock splits can impact the index, while they would not for a market cap-weighted index.

what is the dow all time high

1918 (0 record closes)

13The Dow first traded above 10,000 on Tuesday, March 16, 1999, but dropped back before closing that day. The Dow closed at 9,997.62 on Thursday, March 18, 1999.18 It would take nearly two weeks to close above 10,000 on Monday, March 29, 1999. This article is a summary of the closing milestones of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, a United States stock market index. Since first closing at 62.76 on ironfx review February 16, 1885,1 the Dow Jones Industrial Average has increased, despite several periods of decline.

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And because of that, Nasdaq stock prices have grown at a faster rate than earnings. If you think about the industries that have contributed to economic growth over the last decade, a lot of them are tech-related. Just think about how much phones have evolved and all the industries and companies that have benefited.

What Does the Dow Jones Industrial Average Measure?

European markets opened higher Monday, with the pan-European Stoxx 600 index adding around 0.5% shortly after trading began. «We are adding TGT back to top pick status,» analyst Rupesh Parikh wrote Monday. While the period between Thanksgiving and the end of the year is typically strong in the market, Bank of America investors can expect some difficulty immediately following the late-November holiday. The Russell 2000 jumped about 1.5%, hitting a new intraday record in the session.

Stocks with higher share prices are given greater weight in the index. So, a higher percentage move in a higher-priced component will have a greater impact on the final calculated value. At the Dow’s inception, Charles Dow calculated the average by adding the prices of the 12 Dow component stocks and dividing by 12. Over time, additions and subtractions to the index had to be accounted for, such as mergers and stock splits.

  • The index had three nine-day runs, last occurring in 1955 (when there were four nine-day stretches).
  • Instead, an independent Wall Street Journal commission decides whether a share is to be included or excluded.
  • On September 15, 2008, a wider financial crisis became evident after the Bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers along with the economic effect of record high oil prices which had reached almost $150 per barrel two months earlier.
  • This high occurred only 42 trading sessions after closing above 19,000.
  • Some exclude certain industries from a region or index, such as gambling and weapons.

JPMorgan turns bullish and sees the S&P 500 rising 8% next year to 6,500

Founded in 1993, The Motley Fool is a financial services company dedicated to making the world smarter, happier, and richer. Where p are the prices of the component stocks and d is the Dow Divisor. The value of the index can also be calculated as the sum of the stock prices of the companies included in the index, divided by a factor, which is approximately 0.163 as of November 2024update. The factor is changed whenever a constituent company undergoes a stock split so that the value of the index is unaffected by the stock split. 21After peaking on February 12, 2020, the Dow Jones rapidly fell into correction later that same month and into bear market territory in the next month amid the COVID-19 pandemic. 15This was the Dow’s close at the peak on October 9, 2007 before the financial crisis of 2007–2008.

Among the individual regional banks touching 52-week highs on Monday were M&T Bank Corp. and Western Alliance Bancorp. A sub-index of all the regional bank stocks in the S&P 1500 was recently ahead by more than 2% and at its highest since April 2022. The index, made up of every regional bank in the S&P 500, S&P MidCap 400 and S&P SmallCap 600, is up 17% in November, 22% so far in the fourth quarter and almost 34% in 2024.

These changes are not done often to ensure the index’s stability and continuity. Since the Great Depression, 2007 to 2008 has been the most dramatic period for the DJIA. The market fell more than 50% in just a year and a half because of subprime mortgage and credit crisis that kicked off the Great Recession. In the autumn, it began to consistently close above 35,000 points, and by the last week in December 2021, it surpassed 36,000 points. Uncertainty had been hanging over the markets because of the unprecedented refusal of then-President Donald Trump to concede the election to President-elect Biden. When Trump began the transition process late on Nov. 23, 2020, stocks came roaring back.

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