Drysdale’s driveway, in which he learns new magazine Swinger, a magazine to possess all over the world playboys

Drysdale’s driveway, in which he learns new magazine Swinger, a magazine to possess all over the world playboys

Lester Flatt, Earl Scruggs and you will Gladys Flatt visit the Clampetts. Gladys is actually longing for employment in singing, however, all of the she becomes is actually a nation-preparing training. And you will Jane quits their particular job within bank immediately following Drysdale accuses their own off joy-riding, when in truth she is actually operating this new Clampetts’ customers on residence and you will vocal also Flatt and Scruggs.

Leer másDrysdale’s driveway, in which he learns new magazine Swinger, a magazine to possess all over the world playboys

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